Thursday, March 11, 2010

Character Portrait: First Look!

Today we saw the baby.

The ability to really see your baby so early in its development is... mind-blowing, really.

But I'm getting ahead of myself.

Today Veronica and I went in for a test, part of which involved an ultrasound. This was, we knew, going to be a very early glimpse and not the better-known "anatomy ultrasound" where you get a rather good look at the baby, along with a first opportunity to know the gender.

It was amazing. We saw the baby shifting, moving the arm (you could see the hand bones!), we heard the heartbeat, and at one point the baby did a full body kick that actually caused me to catch my breath.

The whole thing becomes more real every day, and I couldn't be happier.

First Ultrasound

Look at that! It's pretty awesome, and not half the detail we got to see at some points.

1 comment:

  1. Mike McMullen, that baby has your forehead. APOLOGIZE TO IT NOW.

    I am just joking, man, obviously I am fond of foreheads. *pats Nick's* But seriously, they are all cranium at that stage, if I'm reading the image right!
