Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Class Selection

Schools. Well, Daycares. Crazy?

This may seem a bit early in the process, though I assure you we are as ever not at the front of the line on this one. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

First, how big is a baby at 22 weeks? About the size of a papaya! There's all sorts of other info there in the weeks I've missed, like the fact that the baby might be developing tastes based on the fluids he's "practicing" swallowing in the womb and that his hearing is pretty much developed. Also, as we've noticed, he's picked up something of a sleep schedule to go with all those active periods.

Second, we've been looking at some options for day care. Now we're both going to have rather flexible schedules and Veronica fully plans on being full-time with the baby for a while, but more and more we've been given to understand that if we want to get in somewhere we'd best start poking around now. So we started poking around. The "We" here is mostly Veronica, though I've tried to help where I could and went with her to check out a local place this morning.

I have to say that I was impressed. We're keeping our eyes and options open, especially given our general lack of experience, but I liked the way that they had this place set up; mostly open space inside with windows connecting closed off rooms, a school-like (but not "all business") atmosphere/direction, a good kid-to-care-provider ratio (4:1), security, cool little programs, and it didn't look like it'd been worn down to "getting by" in terms of wear-and-tear like some of the places around here. They're also more than willing to accommodate part-timers, which is a big thing for us.

Still, nothing's solid, and we're still looking around. At the very least, though, I'm keeping them in mind for that Pre-K period.

Also, the little 8-month-old girl that was the only one awake in the infant room, trying to climb on and play with every toy in sight while everyone else was napping? Really cute.

Third, STUFF. People have already started sending us little things for Michael and we've gotten pretty much in the habit of referring to him that way. Which, yes, will be hilarious if by some comedy of errors we actually have a girl or something, but we're going to move forward under the impression we have at least one clue as to what we're dealing with. My mom is already digging out the old baby clothes, and we've gotten one or two great little items from relatives who were understandably unable to restrain their enthusiasm; he is going to be awesome!

In that spirit, though, I was asked to share links to the two baby registries that we've been working on for anyone that wants to do a quick scan of the type of stuff we're looking at. Suggestions for things we might have missed (even though we're doing some research on the big ones like car seats/strollers) are appreciated.

Babys R Us Registry

Target Baby Registry

And in case I didn't make it clear before, feeling my little boy kick and move around when Veronica lets me know he's being active just makes my day.

We'll keep you up to date!

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