Saturday, December 4, 2010

Adding Up Experience

I know that it's been quite a while since my last update here, and for that I've got to apologize; between Baby Michael and work it's been hard to muster up the intiative to post on the baby blog.

But it's far from done.

Yesterday was Michael's 3 Month Birthday! It was mostly just celebrated by his parents being even more ridiuculous in their playing with him, and the watching of a Baby Einstein Mozart video for kids 3+ months.

For the record, it was sort of odd how strongly he latched on to the video; between the sounds and the big colorful images of toys and moving lights something really caught his attention in a way that nothing we've had on before ever did. Veronica sat there the whole time talking about everything that came on screen, which was also really cute.

Michael himself is getting to be a big boy, making new sounds and gaining in size. He's started day care a few times a week, started grabbing at the toys on his little bouncer, and is proving to be strong as all heck... even if coordination isn't exactly a strong suit yet. He can keep his head up for extended periods, but he also tends to stick his arms out to the sides and lift his legs off the ground when he's on his stomach which makes it hard for him to try and roll.

We're working on it, and it's fun.

In other news you might have noticed that many of the Flickr images that were once in the blog have gone away. Part of that is because Flickr can be picky about URLs when you fiddle with privacy settings (even if you end up making something public again) and part of that is because I fiddled with privacy settings so as to limit the number of images just floating around out there.

Still, there will be photos.

My last note is just that I think the nature of this blog is going to need to change a little bit if I am going to be able to keep it up. With time being as tight as it's been, my blog posts in the future are likely to be somewhat shorter and more focused on one particular subject.

I'll try to talk a little about these past three months, too, though you can imagine that my attention might be turned pretty strongly to things as they happen.

Thanks for reading, and I'll see you soon!

In the meantime, here's a Michael picture some of you might have already seen.

Baby Michael Overbundled 1

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